You’ve gotten your Image Unlink Fix from The Blog Fixer® applied – yes!
Now what?
Whether you want to go it alone or let us do the work, we’ve got you covered.
Don’t want to worry about doing this manually every time? Check out our Live Fix option to have The Blog Fixer do it for you automatically. Otherwise, to do it yourself, see the instruction section below according to the WordPress editor you use.
When you insert an image in Gutenberg, you can click on the image to get an image menu.
Go to the Edit Link button. If it looks like the below picture and says “Media File,” that means it is attached to itself.
Click the X to remove the link.
This works for images you are just inserting or for ones that were inserted previously.
When you choose an image to add in the Classic Editor, you will see “Attachment Details” on the right-hand side of the screen.If you scroll to the bottom of that section you will find Attachment Display Settings.
Unless you want your image linking somewhere (like the website where that product can be purchased), that should be set to “None.”
The Classic Editor will always default to the setting you used the last time you inserted an image. So if you change it to “None” for one of your uploads, the ones that come after that should all be set to “None” automatically.
If you have some images that have already been inserted and now you need to go back and unlink them, click on the Image and then click on the Edit icon.
This will bring you to the Image Details screen, which has a section called Display Settings.
Here you can change the Link To field from “Media File” to “None.” WordPress will not automatically carry this setting forward to future images.
The easiest way to keep your nofollow tags up-to-date is with Live Fix from The Blog Fixer®.
With Live Fix you get:
You can see why this service is so popular – and worth the time you will save!