Hi, I’m Kris
I’m a professional software developer with 15 years of experience, turned wife’s WordPress technical support guru, turned scaled technical support and plugin developer for thousands of bloggers.
I created The Blog Fixer ™ plugin in 2013 with the goal of helping bloggers automate all of the technical stuff that’s required by Google, Amazon, etc – but takes time away from writing and creating content.
Not only does The Blog Fixer ™ offer individualized fixes and solutions for specific technical issues, but I have also created a WordPress plugin to ensure your blog is always in compliance with any of the fixes you purchase.
Why The Blog Fixer ™
My wife has run the blog KitchenStewardship.com since 2009. As I’m sure is the case with many bloggers, when starting out she had a strong background in writing but little web or SEO knowledge.
The big learning curve coupled with the constantly changing web landscape brought about by Google, Facebook, Pinterest, and others meant she was always needing to go through her archives, changing out the old industry standards for the new and correcting mistakes. As the size of that archive grew to hundreds and then thousands of posts, she couldn’t keep that up along with creating her new content and asked for my help.
Never much for manual labor, I set about researching how all of this type of SEO, compliance, and technical work could be automated.
Is There a Plugin for That?
In trying to find a solution for my wife, I tried to look at existing plugins or solutions that were out there, but none of them were able to really do what she needed – which were customized fixes for her website, that would run automatically in the background for both old content and new, upcoming content.
Think of The Blog Fixer as your one-stop-shop to making sure your blog is always complying with SEO guidelines and accessibility standards, now and in the future! My plugin will run fixes like Nofollow, Link Target, and Image Alt Tool in the background without slowing down your site.
The Blog Fixer ™ Changes the Database
This is important. All Fixes are permanent and will remain whether The Blog Fixer ™ is deactivated or deleted entirely.
This also means The Blog Fixer ™ will contribute zero drag on your blog while users are viewing your content. Once a fix has run once, that’s it. When a post is loaded, it is simply retrieved from the database already fixed.
I understand, as a blogger, you have a huge to do list and not as much time as you’d like to do it! That’s why I decided to offer full service Fixes, applied by us to your site. The power and automation of The Blog Fixer ™ plugin means I can offer these services for a fraction of the amount doing the work manually would cost, while providing it as a service means you can reap the benefits with almost no time invested by you or your team. Check out our available services or contact us with any questions today!
The Team
Danielle Hetzel joined The Blog Fixer team in 2019. Previously, she had been in IT for over five years in various capacities. She has worked in medical software, engineering websites, and a lot in between. When she is not fixing blogs, she runs her four kids around to all of their activities, volunteers at Church and schools, and is training for a sprint triathlon.
Corey Turner is a journalist, conservationist, outdoor enthusiast, and passionate pet owner. Corey founded FurBallFun in 2022, drawing on a lifelong love for dogs and extensive pet ownership to offer a unique perspective on the pet industry. With a successful career in project management, he excels in critical analysis, precise attention to detail, and quality assurance. This expertise allows him to effectively differentiate true value from marketing hype in the pet sector. Corey’s contributions have been featured in various publications, including Rockery Press Guide Books, WealthofGeeks.com, and MSN. During his free time, he enjoys disc golfing, rock climbing, and bonding with his cherished FurBall friend, Harvey.
Anjali Shah is a food writer, best-selling author, board-certified health coach, nutritionist, mom of two, and an advocate for healthy, clean eating for individuals and families. Her work has garnered nationwide attention as she has been featured on Oprah.com, Women’s Health, Cooking Light, Reader’s Digest, CNN, Food Network, SELF, Glamour, BuzzFeed, Huffington Post, Ladies’ Home Journal, SHAPE, and at Kaiser Permanente. Anjali grew up a “whole wheat” girl, but married a “white bread” kind of guy. Hoping to prove that nutritious food could be delicious and desirable, she taught herself how to cook and successfully transformed her husband’s eating habits from a diet of frozen pizzas and Taco Bell to her healthy, yet flavorful recipes made with simple, wholesome ingredients. After becoming a mom, Anjali expanded her work to include strategies and techniques to combat picky eating in kids of all ages. Anjali started The Picky Eater in 2011 to make healthy food accessible, tasty, easy to make at home, and picky-eater proof.